
1d154695 285d 4ee7 9794 d0fc25956dfe

View of the treehouse from the outdoor tub and propane fire-pit.

32c005ea 1fae 4cab af6d 53b63a3cb9c8

17868d04 3bb3 4f77 94f4 4cd7029b5743

318b4d7a ee12 48b5 97a0 332c6296f1c8

D2a4046e e856 4336 9ee7 153f6358fc4b

721ade86 b54e 4c51 9a4d 8ed2a0cd5ad7

F4df9911 37b5 4faf 808a 07052d8de77d

348b1301 0b7a 48e5 92a2 dacbd03155f8

8e5b424a 0898 4caa aec3 f96d98239bf3

6275c869 ed53 4b60 936b 45f933205195

805f7c8c c03c 4304 99de 7c313dd05a4f

C19c7580 efd9 41b5 8d10 855a25cda457

Db6eef30 a532 4abb bbc4 e7caeb301a7b

Ac0e3da5 0458 4469 9e59 b101a6d91607

Cf861a65 a103 43bd b87b e5374f91ccd4

D16f3512 206a 4f99 aa20 977c50efe0c5

68a3169c cdaa 431f a9d2 a21e038cde4b